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Domain trading amidst a pandemic in 2020

The Day the Earth Stood Still is a 1951 movie with a modern remake in 2008, but both movies revolve around aliens visiting earth.

Now, in 2020 it seems a much smaller thing, one that cannot be seen by our eyes, is poised to make the world “stop” for a few weeks or even months. That thing is COVID-19 and its impact can be felt all over the globe.

The sheer number of online searches is increasing due to pandemic.

For some of us that have a daytime job, and domain trading is an additional source of income, hobby or a passion on the side, it can be a curse or even a blessing.

The COVID-19 impact on domain trading

I understand some people are on unpaid leave because their company had to shut down operations due to the pandemic and their nature of the business, it’s a real pain having to think about how to overcome and survive without main income.

Domain traders, and especially in Europe, where we have limited travel and are recommended to stay home could actually use the time to reinvent their domain portfolio, pricing or SEO for some of their domains in development, updating some of the website content.

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certain domain trading may increase due to pandemic
Online purchase has become much more appealing than a crowded mall.

This may be a good time to decide on which domains to drop or prepare a strategy for domain portfolio expansion.

We have to acknowledge that the COVID-19 global crisis is having a dramatic impact on search behavior, consumer mobility, media consumption habits, supply chains, and budgets. Some are being scaled down, while others are scaled up.

Domain traders need to adjust their 2020 domain strategy to alleviate profit-risk

Shopping malls are now a common thing, but before they were people used to shop around small city shops that were scattered around the town.

The introduction of malls that offer a place for both shopping and entertainment has made small shops largely obsolete and ruined some small business owners, though globally this process progressed for thirty years.

Why did I mention this? Because the current pandemic is rapidly changing consumer behavior, and fresh data shows that at least one in three people are shopping online instead of in a shopping center or mall because they want to avoid crowds of people and potential exposure to COVID-19.

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This situation presents an opportunity for SEO professionals and content marketers to ramp up their impact, creating content that drives conversions now and reaps benefit for their brand long term.

Domain traders with their pulse on the market are already making shifts in their strategies and investing with more SEO added to their most valuable domains which are just the thing we would suggest you start doing.

Conclusion – companies invest in SEO and so should domain traders do

The global economy may be having a shift down but people are searching online for their daily needs like never before, which makes this a perfect time to have your brand visible, to be on top of mind for searchers when they are making a buying decision.

Domain trading can be easily done from a home office
Working from home is currently the best option for many and for domain trading.

Even experts agree that SEO-focused content is the most cost-effective and direct path to maintaining your business during economic downtimes because it requires a relatively low investment, so it pays off long after the investment.

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, getting your online assets visible to the top of a Google SERP will be more important than ever.