Those among us who are true futurists view the future as a fascinating, exciting, new world completely different than the world of today. The world of tomorrow will be powered by Artificial Intelligence and with it the .AI domain takes flight in the domain industry.
Artificial Intelligence is based on data-centers
The common consumer would note that computer power is increasing exponentially every year, though some of us know that major CPU manufacturers have reached limits to “Moore’s Law” with simply increasing the CPU speed. Indeed, today’s silicon manufacturing is reaching its pinnacle, so manufacturers are adding more physical CPU core to increase computing power for their products. Data-centers featuring hundreds of multi-core CPU’s are the foundation for future AI systems.

At one point, we will reach a “technological singularity”. That is the point in our technological evolution where we can not predict what will come after because there is an infinite number of possibilities that could unfold. Mainly because this singularity involves the invention of a specific artificial intelligence – artificial-super-intelligence (ASI) which will trigger exponential technological growth, resulting in unforeseen changes to human civilization.
Artificial Intelligence trends
ASI is essentially an intelligence that surpasses the human brain. This “machine” will lead to inventions that bring revolution which matches previous civilization turning points such as the alphabet, agriculture or machines. By 2050 this revolution should bring substantial benefit to our daily lives.

Companies involved with AI research and implementation have recognized that artificial intelligence will provide the tools to improve their business, as well as produce AI products they can offer to other companies and make a profit. This is the main reason Google, Microsoft and other big players in this rising industry are heavily purchasing .AI domain names.
Let’s discuss such trends.
Autonomous machines – self-driven cars, drones, and autonomous shipping are being researched extensively by companies relevant to the industry. Every day we can hear more news of success with such projects.
Augmented analytics – not a true AI but an analytic system that “augments” a human analytic. The amount of information processed by the analytic system can help a human analytic get near-cognitive answers and insights the human scientists could not have.
AI-Driven development – from programming to model generation and testing tools, automation is becoming the tool that drives development.
Blockchain – most commonly recognized as shared/distributed ledger, with algorithmic-based trust model is still expected to bring revolution to finances. For example, people living in countries with hyperinflation can use blockchain and increase access to financial services.
Smart spaces – environments which bring a number of technologies together, aimed at specific home, work or industry scenario. Examples are advanced digital workplaces, integrated smart cities … etc.
Privacy and Ethics – we need to recognize all the technology that we use may be aimed at a specific beneficial aim, but to be able to use it we have to allow a high level or privacy intrusion. This, in turn, provides a high amount of private information to companies that run this kind of services, which can be targeted by hackers, individuals or companies looking to profit from obtaining this information. Ethics means that our private data should be protected and used in an ethical fashion. For example, fitness tracker was used by American military people and hackers used it to disclose soldiers location. The fitness tracker manufacturer obviously did not implement a high-quality protection solution.
Quantum computing – a new approach to computing, it may offer a solution to problems in industries that, with current supercomputers, demand a staggering compute power. Currently, the main problem is quantum computer coding, which is not yet possible in a traditional way.
Immersive experience – interaction with digital platform through different kinds of assistants and AI but also virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), they are all considered an immersive experience. I am sure you already had a “talk” with chat-bots on a number of websites.

All of these are trending topics relevant to artificial intelligence, but how do they relate to the domain industry? The answer is most obvious, with the .AI domain!
We need to recognize these trends. To do so, make keen observations of the search engine statistics and you will be able to notice keywords with a high number of searches, that are related to these rising trends.
Artificial Intelligence is a popular topic worldwide, and more so with the developed countries. Being one of the manufacturing centers of the world, China is the current hot-spot for artificial intelligence search.

Next step is choosing ones that you would want to consider as valuable investments and registering such domain names with relevant domain extensions.
Finally, do not miss the chance to register one such high-value domain with .AI domain extension, as this is the most trending extension related to artificial intelligence. If you play your cards right and with a bit of luck, you may own a high resale-value domain.
Domain industry can and should capitalize on this rising trend with .AI domain names
After you have recognized a number of valuable .AI domain names, the next step is choosing ones that you would want to consider as a highly valuable investments and registering such domain names. Bear in mind that others may also come to the conclusion that same domains are valuable, and register them before you do, so do not wait a long time to get these.
Artificial Intelligence holds such high potential for so many industries as they are building a tech business on this futuristic technology and at this moment they may be looking for a perfect .AI domain.
One of high-value domains with .AI domain extension could land you a fortune, as this is the most trending extension related to artificial intelligence. If you play your cards right and have a bit of luck, you may own a high resale-value domain.