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Introducing the new extension .ST domain names will give you creative ideas

Let’s start off by saying that this domain name ( .ST ) comes from a country that is the second smallest state in the whole of Africa. Its official name is Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe. They are discovered in the 15th century, and since then being settled by mostly with Portugal settlers, so up till now it’s Portuguese speaking country, which decided to become democratic since 1975. and since then, the progress that this country saw it is unrecognizable. Until 1975. their main trade were slaves, and the other trades have been added to the economy, which is rich volcanic soil, and endless supplies of sugar, their main income, as the other countries of this region were, and still are cocoa and coffee beans, and by trading those goods on the open marketplace they became the most stable ( economically and in other fields ) amongst many countries where the hunger is still number one problem, followed by the lack of drinking water.
They decided to peacefully resolve this issue, and not long after 1975., the growing status of this small country became a success.
When talking about domain names, they got their extension in 1997. which believe or not, made some other, seriously developed countries to be a bit jealous since they didn’t apply for the same extension earlier.

Some facts about .ST domain name:

At first, we need to mention that this small, near equator country made a plan to move forward, and by gaining a .st extension, their hack rate is huge! Not only that, they also have Second-level domain names, which will be covered later on. A .ST Domain Registration will, in fact, show how committed you are to not only this tropical paradise, but to its citizens, and it’s Portugal heritage. It’s useful for businesses that are from São Tomé and Príncipe, including the countries that surround this country, and the most important use for a .st domain names are its hacks because…of the top of the head are words like,,,,,,,, DIARI.ST, …the list goes on and on, and just by knowing that you could be supporting one of those countries where the sun is an almost only certain thing, then, it’s not such a bad thing having one, two, or more .st domain names.
One thing is sure, Registry of a .st or Sao Tome will certainly give your website a good name and adding credibility, your job is almost half done.


Are individual .ST domain registrations allowed?

Yes, of course. A individual .st domain registrations are allowed.

Who can register a .ST Domain Name?

Anybody in the world can register a .st domain. Even .st ccTDL, anyone in the whole world, including individuals that just want to try out blogging, up to any legal entity, big corporations, there are no restrictions when purchasing a .st domain name.

This little country got such a good extension for Domain Name, that in a matter of months they will become the country that can feed itself just by selling, not only a .st Hacks, and there are so many of them, for any and every purpose, you can find of use a .st Domain Name.
The .ST domain names are used for Street addresses, various words ending with .st, all the way to the newest usage for Domain Names, which is apparently, your telephone number, that, when you think better, can serve as a phone number, and yet another great idea to sell this kind of product, on such wast selling space.
It should also be mention that a .st offers some special services for residents such as local support, reserved address space, education in this huge area of not only working, but for becoming your own business, and that is all done in the association, and co-operating with local authorities of Sao Tome and Principe.

Can a company or legal entities register .ST domain name ?

The answer is yes, again, with not much information, a .st domain names can proudly present any company or business. Again, when buying a .st domain name, be careful with choosing, because, they are well known for their promptness, when it comes to registering the domain name, it’s like you didn’t even think it trough, and the domain name is already registered at your name.

  AI Domain FAQs

How long, at least, can I register my .ST domain for?

The bare minimum for registration is one year. But since that it’s the common rule for domain names, it’s the usual time frame to have Domain Name – at least one year.

To get back a bit, how long will it take to register new .ST Domain Name?

The domain registration timeframe for a .st domain, during general availability, is instant. .ST is not expected to launch until Instant. Once launched, a registration timeframe will be available at once!

Which are common characters in registering a .st domain name, and what are restrictions on character length and mixing them?

Domain Name must:

– have a minimum of 3 ( three) and maximum 63 ( sixty-three ) characters in length;
– start with a letter or a number and also end with a letter or a number;
– if using English character set of words and it can contain letters from a -z , also, your .st domain name can be constructed out of Big Letters and the reach is the same – frame from A to Z, as for the numbers, they also can be the usual combination – range goes from 0 to 9, and by adding the famous hyphen ( – ) or minus sign, the buyers are all set to combine perfect .ST Domain Name ;
– also, have in mind that Domain Name can NOT start or end with a hyphen ( – );
– Domain Name can NOT contain a hyphen in the third or a fourth place in the name of your new domain; for example, site is the perfect example why that domain name will never be registered;
– and, maybe the most important rule of all is that Domain Name CAN NOT HAVE SPACING, not even 1 ( one ) space between two words, or divide a semy-word in two – simply, Domain Name MUST be one word that can contain everything mentioned above;
– also, have in mind that, after the first check of a new domain name, it must be special in a way that all big companies and trades have for a long time, so to avoid troubles with a law be your own, unique self, and you’ll have a great start for any kind of business, blogs, and …well, pretty much – anything you think of.

Does .ST domains provide Trustee Service?

Trustee services are provided by your registry. There are many countries that may provide you with this service, for a fee. But, in order to be able to offer this service, there must be a law which regulates information that is needed to be protected in which cases that information can be revealed. So, for such small country, there are bigger issues than regulating Trustee Service, therefore, a .st Domain Names can NOT offer this service.

How do I host .ST domain name?

The smartest solution, as a customer is to have your Hosting space at the same place you bought your domain name, and with just a few information you provide, you can find the best suited hosting services that cover all your needs. There are a lot of Registrars that will provide you with a lot of other commodities that are rarely offered separately. Some of them include as many services as they can, within the hosting package. Make sure you have good hosting, that goes along with your domain name.

Can I transfer my domain if I’m using Trustee Service that someone else provides?

The answer is almost always the same, trustee-service are not transferable for any domain names, so if you are in need to transfer your .st domain, you must update your domain to .st Registry requirements, before you initiate transfer of your domain name.

More FAQs

Can I hide my registration information ( Private WHOIS )?

This is the most frequent question about those domains that can not be protected by the domain name sellers, and in this case, the answer is – NO, you can NOT hide contact info that you provided when registering .st domain name, but most Registrars try to protect your information by asking only the basic info when registering a domain name, because it’s the only way to keep safe yourself and your Domain Name.

Here is the some of the information that will be seen, and it’s the exact information that you submitted when ordering a .st  domain name;
It is all of that information will be available to see in WHOIS database search of a domain name that you own, including your name and surname, address where you live, and your email address. So since a .st registry doesn’t cower your security, be sure to leave only the required information, that is the only way of protecting your privacy.

Which registry is responsible for .ST Domain Names?

At Banhof.ST Registry you can find all the answers you’ll ever need about .st domain names.

Are there any special domains that are reserved?

Sad to say, but necessary – yes to this one. Those are special reserved addresses, and their spaces, which maintains, and regulates the rules and, on the first place, the integrity of specific country based residents, which are in need for domain names, and have priority when it comes to a .st domains, as they should have since they represent the pillar of their community. The other very important purpose for Second-Level domain names are as simple as they come; looking in the very near future, the only way to ensure domains that have special requirements to be registered, so they must serve it’s purpose in defining one country, which by its current status have a great start to go up.

  Is .AI domain a good investment in 2019?

So, let’s mention some of those domain extensions:

GOV.ST (Government of Säo Tome’ and Principe)
SAOTOME.ST ( Island of Säo Tomes )
PRINCIPE.ST ( Island of Principe )
CONSULADO.ST ( Säo Tome’ and Principe consulates )
EMBAIXADA.ST ( Säo Tome’ and Principe embassies )

One character domain names ( from A-Z ) are reserved ( keep in mind the number domain are free ). There is, however, a small amount of address which is reserved for an international duty-free zone in Säo Tomes. A certain number of addresses obtained before June 1999. and those may collide with the new policy for the domain name that is reserved but was made available after 1999, and those can make difficulties when renewed for a valid address and the policy is outdated. Their policy, which is always trading goods is that they have them, always meet your customer’s needs, follow the letter of law, but be as flexible as you can because, many of them will stay, against all odds.

What are my responsibilities as a .ST domain holder?

As a firm believer in freedom of the Internet, in order to preserve those rights, a .st domain name holders and whole internet community will ask you to comply with certain obligations.
By applying to a register domain name, or by asking to maintain or renew a domain name registration, you therefore represent and warrant us that:

1.The statement you made in the registration process is complete, accurate, and that you will update your Registrar with your new information which is needed to keep you with current events. .ST registry may contact you about issues, news, highlights, and services provided on a website. As a customer, you may be free to cancel your account, service at any time you want.

2. To your knowledge, the registration of a .st domain name will Not infringe upon, or otherwise, violate the rights of any third party according to the Sao Tome laws.

3. You are not representing your domain name in for an unlawful purpose.

4. You will not knowingly use the domain name, or other related services in violation of any applicable laws and regulations, including, bulk mail ( or Spamming ) flooding or other abuse search engine services.

5. Please, keep in mind that it’s solely your responsibility to determine if your domain name in any content violates anyone else’s rights.

6. You are not registering the domain name for Spam services or porn or other adult content, or illegal gambling activities. Note that a .st Registry is NOT responsible for the content, nor we actively follow your content but keep in mind that your domain can be removed domains without warning and refund.

How about renewal, modification, cancellation, and VAT of the domain name?

You are free to modify your registration in accordance with the prices and procedures that are stated in rules of registration, and of course, you can cancel your domain name at any time, but we most registrars will not be able to refund your money, in that case.

What is the expiration procedure for the ST domain name?

Every decent Registrar will do everything in its power to ensure that its customer’s domain names ( or other content ) never come near ”accidental” expiration. To secure domain to not expire, most Registrars created multiple levels of notifications for domains that are going to expire soon. Here are few steps that are being done before domain names expire, and those are:

1. 30 days before a .st domain expires, .ST Registry sends renewal reminder;

2. 14 days before the domain expires, Registry sends you a secondary renewal reminder;

3. same goes for 7 days before the expiration of domain;

4. and 1 ( one ) day before domain name expires, you’ll get yet another reminder that your domain will expire tomorrow;

5. the next day, day after the domain expires, .ST Registry will send confirmation of expiration. At this moment domain gain status ‘server Hold’ and becomes offline/stop resolving.

6. 40 days after the domain expires, it will enter into Redemption period. You won’t be able to renew your domain yourself, but resolution can still be possible through your registrar. Domain stays in redemption period for another 30 days. During redemption period, .ST registry may use your domain name for its own purposes, sell it in an auction, or in any other way.

7. When the redemption period is finished domain gets a pending Delete status, and it stays like that 5 more days. That is the final stage in domain life and within those 5 days it will be removed from the registry entirely, and after that, anyone else can register that domain. It’s impossible to renew and restore domain form pending Delete status. After those 5 days, anyone can by that domain name.

As far as .st domain names go, we covered all the basic info required for anyone to get a great domain name. Choose wisely, and make a great Website.
Best of luck!
st domain names
